Welcome to the world of LaunderMat, where our state-of-the-art swapping tool offers unparalleled privacy by thoroughly "washing" your transaction records clean.
When a user requests a transaction quotation, our platform dispatches multiple API requests to different exchanges, meticulously identifying the most competitive rates for the desired service.
Each transaction through LM follows a well-structured model involving two key exchanges: an intake exchange (Exchange 1) and an outtake exchange (Exchange 2). Our unique quoting algorithm excels at efficiently pinpointing the two exchanges offering the most advantageous rates, ensuring optimal efficiency and value for our users.
Furthermore, LaunderMat will feature a staking dapp, allowing investors to generate passive income from the fees collected from the swapping tool. This additional layer of functionality not only enhances the platform's value proposition but also provides an attractive opportunity for those looking to benefit from the growing demand for financial privacy.
LaunderMat operates as a conduit platform, seamlessly connecting various centralized non-KYC exchanges and streamlining the process of transferring funds between original and receiving wallets across these exchanges.
Our system is dedicated to user-friendliness, offering a seamless experience through two simple steps: requesting a LaunderMat (LM) Order Quote and depositing funds to the LM Order deposit address to initiate the LM Order process. This intricate orchestration functions through a series of API calls interfacing with the LM platform.